One of the focal tasks of any academic institution is clearly to train students and therefore to offer a wide range of high-level courses, encompassing the latest scientific breakthroughs, adapted to the needs of students and to the globalised socio-economic environment in which we live.
As a network of excellence, RESCIF is fully committed to this approach andproposes to set up joint courses in the priority areas selected, namely water, energy, nutrition, food security and the environment. The network’s two flagship activities consist in organising advanced courses (summer or autumn schools) and setting up MOOCS (Massive Open Online Courses).
In addition to these two main areas, there are numerous other forms of exchange and collaborationconcerning training and education. Examples include:
- A project to create a doctoral programmeat the Institut 2iE (engineering school in Ouagadougou) in collaboration with Arts etMétiers (Paristech).
- The signature of an agreement between two engineering schools, EMI-Rabat and Ecole des Ponts (Paristech), to set up a graduate school.
- A project to create a water and energy training course at 2iE, together with Arts etMétiers (Paristech).
- The launch of a vocational training course in water services management and sanitation, to be delivered by 2iE and Paristech (ENGREF/agroparistech Montpellier).
- The signature of an agreement between the EcoleNormaleSupérieure (ENS) de Lyon and the Facultédes sciences de l’éducation of the UniversitéSaint-Joseph (USJ).
- A draft educational research programme for engineers,as a partnership between 2iE and the ENS in Lyon.
- There are also many agreements between RESCIF partners offering the possibility of joint supervision of theses.